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This looks like it could be inviting for entertaining guests as well as a relaxing place to read.

Our patio is not very large (10′ x 18′ where the patio table is set up) and while I realize I don’t need a huge patio I’m facing a quandary and I’d love your help.  OR, I just need to ponder it via this venue to help sort it out myself. 🙂

My furniture has grayed nicely. It would be nice if the chairs worked without threat to life and limb!

The candles in the lanterns are the battery operated kind; they are made with real wax but the flame is a flickering light bulb---pretty fun, right?

I don’t expect to be able to start a new project this summer but since I enjoy dreaming, especially where ‘home improvements’ are concerned, I thought I’d give this topic some attention—if you only have room for ONE set of furniture do you prefer a living room space or a dining room space outdoors?

Hubby wouldn't go for these chairs but isn't this great?! I love the outdoor chandelier.

My first choice would be BOTH, yes, that’s right, I want it all!  But now that I’ve grown older and wiser I realize that’s not going to be my reality.

I think this would a great place to dine during the warmer months of the year.

...but then I think this would be so comfortable and inviting.

I confess that one of my favorite things about summer used to be dining al fresco.  That all changed about 3 years ago when we purchased this teak-like patio set from Costco.

If we're going to dream, why not dream big, right? I would love an outdoor fireplace, then you could use the outdoor room year round.

I don’t mind the style but when we got the set home and assembled we discovered the chairs are impossibly heavy and almost impossible to slide.  We have tried all manner of items sold at the home improvement warehouse stores to assist with this problem, to no avail.  In fact, the chairs not only don’t slide on the concrete, they collapse when you try to scoot them close to the table—you see the design is meant to have the chairs recline if you choose (what were they thinking, right?).

I'm not sure why I gravitate towards this outdoor wicker but I seem to have a lot of pictures of outdoor rooms featuring it.

This has seriously hampered my enthusiasm for dining (not to mention entertaining) outdoors.

Maybe if I put in some kind of concrete/stone pad in the corner of our yard, I could create this setting and save the patio for dining.

So, do I replace the chairs, which I could do or do I chuck the entire set and go for this fabulous outdoor wicker that could create a cozy and inviting space to enjoy reading,  relaxing, sipping wine, entertaining?  This would leave me without a spot to dine outdoors, would I miss this little luxury of summer?

Doesn't this look inviting? via BHG

I’ve attached some of my favorite outdoor rooms and I am hoping I can decide before we actually go forward with this project.

photos (other than my yard) via ~ BHG