When I first started blogging in 2007 (with a lapse in 2008), to say I was a novice would make me sound like I had a clue about what I was doing, I didn’t.  Once I began to post in earnest in early 2009 I noticed there were sites being nominated for various awards.  I figured that since only 2 of my close friends, and my mom, read my blog the chances were slim and none that I would ever be noticed.

So it was a huge surprise and a compliment for me to be nominated for a Liebster Blog award.  In addition, the person nominating me was a new blog friend, Christina at Floriday’s Mom.  I think Christina explains the award best, “It’s basically an opportunity for bloggers to share a little love to other up and coming bloggers”.  So for that, I thank you.

Garden, Home and Party 11.13.12

I’m asked to list 11 facts about myself; answer 11 questions given by the person who nominated me (Christina at Floriday’s Mom); create 11 questions for the bloggers I nominate, and choose 4 bloggers to pass this along to.  It’s a bit of work completing all the tasks, so if those that I nominate don’t complete the homework assignment, I completely understand and will harbor no ill feelings, especially during this busy time of year.  But know this, I am amazed everyday by some of the incredibly talented people in blog land and have enjoyed some really nice conversations with my new blog friends.  So here goes…

11 Facts about Myself:

1.         I’m a redhead.  When I was young I hated the attention that got me, but I’m okay with it now.

2.         I can’t really start the morning without a cup o’ joe.  I don’t drink coffee all day, but I confess, I must have a little caffeine kick-start first thing in the morning.

3.         I love most music but my radio station in the car is set for classical music.  I love Mozart.

Liebster Award4.         I share a birthday with Mozart. (see above).

5.         I’ve been married to Mr. B. 40 years this coming February, yes, I was a child bride 😉

6.         I’m an only child.  I always wanted a sister or brother.  One of my closest friend’s is like a sister to me, does that count?

7.         I used to have a gardening business with a good friend, Blooming Borders.  We planted predominantly English gardens for 13 years.

8.         I love Mexican food.  Enchiladas, tacos or burritos, I could eat the food daily.

9.         I usually have a hard cover book going but I love listening to unabridged books on my iPod.  It allows me to multitask.

Liebster Award10.       I love college football, in part because it signals the beginning of fall and its seasonal goodness.

11.       My middle name is the same as my husband’s first name and also my daughter-in-law’s middle name…Lynn (although Mr. B. spells his with one N)

In answer to Christina’s questions…

1.         What’s the number one on your Christmas List:  The number one person is my husband (to buy for) the number 1 wish on my Christmas List is a pair of riding boots.


2.         Why did you start your blog?  Our oldest son suggested I start a blog to talk about the things he thinks I do best, tending to the garden, decorating our home and entertaining = Garden, Home and Party (how flattering is that?)

3.         How did you come up with the name of your blog?  Son #1 came up with the name and set me up…this was in 2007.  He later said he thought the name was too long but I told him I wanted to keep it.

4.         What is your secret indulgence? I’m a salt fiend and Lay’s Potato Chips and/or a great order of fries are the indulgence.  I know how terrible those two items can be in fat, salt and calories, so when I do indulge, I feel just a little guilty.

5.         Which of the four seasons do you look forward to the most?  Fall, although spring is a close second.

Garden, Home and Party 11.13.12

Garden, Home and Party 11.13.126.         What’s your biggest pet peeve?  Grumpy, unpleasant people.  I believe happiness is a choice.

7.         What is your favorite décor?  Traditional with a leaning towards English and French country.

Garden, Home and Party 11.13.12{Daniel Brisset & Ayers Cliff via Inspiring Interiors}

Garden, Home and Party 11.13.12{Ferguson & Shamamian Architects}

8.         What did you want to be when you grew up?  This is pretty revealing…I wanted to be an airline hostess.  In fact when I went to the local junior college there was a program for that.  I later decided I wanted to teach.  Instead, I got married and worked for a real estate developer until I had our first son.  I was hired as a teacher aide for several years, now I’m back to Real Estate Development.

9.         Who makes you laugh the most and why?  Besides Jon Stewart, my husband.

10.       Name one thing on your bucket list.  Touring Germany.  My father’s family was from Germany and I’d love to visit one day.

Garden, Home and Party 11.13.12{Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany}

11.       If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?  If all my family and friends were with me, the Cotswolds, England.  (The house below was built here in the U.S. but I love it so I wanted to include it, and I believe it looks very much like a home you might find in the Cotswolds)

Garden, Home and Party 11.13.12{Phillip Trammell Shutze Architect}

My nominees are some of my favorite ‘go to’ sites.  I think you’ll enjoy meeting these talented people:

1.  Victoria Elizabeth Barnes

2.  trouverlesoleil – Leslie

3.  paper{whites} – Alison

4.  Henhurst Interiors – Phyllis

…and finally, the questions I ask of you, should you choose to participate… 

Questions from Me:

1.         How did you start blogging?

2.         What do you enjoy most about blogging?

3.         What is your favorite movie?

4.         Are you a do-it-yourself person or do you keep a list of handy people near the phone?

5.         Are you a city person or a country person, why?

6.         What is your favorite season?

7.         Do you prefer old/antiques or new furnishings?

8.         Do you lean more towards a tailored look or ruffles and lace?

9.         Which would you choose, the beach or the mountains.

10.       What’s one modern convenience you couldn’t live without?

11.       What’s your idea of the ideal evening?

This was fun.  I hope you’ll visit the 4 nominees and thank you, as always for stopping by for a chat, I love your comments!