
3-Dream Home White with Black Shutters southernlivinghouseplans.com


It seems odd to me that I’ve only lived in one two-story house in my married life, two in my entire life.  I always visualize my dream house (from the curb anyway) as a two story house.  There is something so appealing about the architectural lines of a two story house.

1-black front door pacific peninsula group design chic 11.25.122-black front door pretty world design chic 11.25.12{the 2 images above via Design Chic}

That said, I’ve been told by several friends in my age group that I am so lucky to be living in a single story house.  They always say they wish they were in a single story.  I guess the thought that I might not be able to make it up a flight of stairs in my old age makes sense.  But I also believe that we often do what we have to do, so it might keep me younger to be forced to exercise by walking up a flight, right?

Is there a point anywhere in this post, Karen?  Why yes.  As I do with things I admire, in this case stair cases, I’ve got a file of them and I thought I’d share some pretty images with you…

4-black front door southern grace design chic 11.25.12

This (above) is a 2 for 1, the front door is a show-stopper, the stairs look great too.

5-jill brinson{Jill Brinson}

6-item1.rendition.slideshowWideVertical.gil-schafer-farmhouse-02 sikes{Mark D. Sikes above & below via Architectural Digest}

7-Mark D. Sikes images

8-southern accents{Southern Accents}

9-Steve Giannetti house via Velvet & Linen 6.2011{Steve Giannetti via Velvet & Linen}

10-tumblr crush cul de sac 1{image source}

11-tumblr pink persimmon 6.26.11{image source}

12a-tumblr_Pink Persimmon June 27, 2011{image source}

I love this nautical take on a stair rail.

12-tumblr_pink persimmon 6.29.11{image source}

Then there’s this…a hotel in London.

13-tumblr_connoisseur 1.3.13{image source}

14-tumblr_connoisseur 12.28.12{image source}

15-wonderful foyer VIA CONTENT IN A COTTAGE{Content in a Cottage}

Tell me, do you live in a two-story house?  Do you love it?

I’ve linked to Savvy Southern Style for Kim’s Wow Us Wednesday.